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Mercs 95 on Vista

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 4:33 pm
by White Cat
I am able to get it running fine on my XP SP3 box, but now I'm trying to make it run on a Vista computer. Slug's Hook is what worked for me on XP, so that's what I tried first. However, when I launch the game, the MW2hook and Mercs game windows both briefly appear and then immediately close, with no error message.

One thing I noticed was that on my working XP box, the MW2hook window displays the following while the game is running:

Code: Select all


Copyright (C) Chris Porter 2008, all rights reserved.
Version: 1.00

Executing "C:\Games\Mech2Mercs\mercswin.exe"... \
[16:22:18] Log opened.
[16:22:18] MW2Shim 1.00 attached to process.
[16:22:18] No config file found, activating all patches...
[16:22:18] Attaching: startup
[16:22:18] Attaching: mechlab
[16:22:18] Attaching: heaphack
[16:22:18] Attaching: frameratelimit
However, on the Vista box it doesn't go any farther than the 'Executing "C:\Games\Mech2Mercs\mercswin.exe"...' line. Is it possible I've got the hook configured wrong, so that it never actually tried to load the patches?

I've tried it both with and without the /-startup switch, with and without the Win98 compatibility setting on mercswin.exe, and with/without the DLL files from SHELL_VESA_GDI42.rar. I was unable to get Mech2XPv3.exe to work ("File does not match patch"); is that only for the original Mech2:31CC game, not Mercs or GBL?

I should note that I "installed" it on the Vista box by just copying my entire C:\Games\Mech2Mercs folder over from the XP one, including all the config files, save games, patches (it's patched to version 1.06), and the CD image files. Is it possible this is causing problems, and there are some files I should remove? I tried to do a clean install from the CD, but Vista tells me that setup.exe isn't compatible.

My specs:
Windows Vista SP2 64-bit
Intel Core2Duo P8400 2.26 GHz
Dell Studio laptop

I think my version of Mercs is the normal retail one, but I'm not sure. If it helps, on the CD the readme.txt file is dated 1996-09-15 and the mercswin.exe file is dated 1996-09-04.

Oh, I also tried running it through MechVM, which successfully plays the intro movie and takes me to the main screen, but it crashes as soon as I try to load a game, start a new career, or enter Instant Action. (It does the same thing on my XP system.) The DOS versions also crash right away, both with the Slug's Hook and MechVM DOSbox.

Re: Mercs 95 on Vista

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 12:54 am
by Sir MMPD Radick
The 95 versions don't get along very well with 64bit bit versions of windows. I have never had any luck with getting mercs 95 to run in windows 7 or vista 64bit.

I would advise you to drop the 95 version and switch to the DOS version which is also on the disc. You should be able to run it just fine via dosbox.
Slug's patch does not work on mercs. The hook like you said does, but not the patch it is only for the netmech edition of mech2.