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MW2 weird issues in pure DOS environ

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 6:23 pm
by Edmond Dantes
Okay, first thing I want to establish is that I'm using an actual old comp to play Mechwarrior 2.

I checked the version I own on the version comparison's chart. I have the version 1.0 IBM CD-ROM version. I have the graphical details all set to high, and chunky explosions on.

The first time I played it, it allowed me to play training mode and one mission without giving me a hiccup. I called it a day after that.

Then I installed Ghost Bear's Legacy, and then installed the 1.1 patch. This is where things got weird.

I started a new pilot, and went to training... but it kept making the game crash (keep in mind I'm booting directly to DOS, not Windows). If I tried to play a mission, I'd get an error message and sent back to the clan hall with an automatic victory (which I'm way too honorable to take advantage of).

Since then, I've completely deleted and reinstalled the game three times, once I reinstalled the patch, and once I didn't. In the unpatched state, I was able to nearly finish the first Clan Jade Falcon mission before the game crashed on me. Even before that though, I noticed that pressing the space bar just ONCE caused my mech to fire an entire volley of missiles instead of just one, and I'm not sure if that's normal.

Can someone explain to me why installing the patch would cause the game to behave worse? And also, what I probably should do? Is there any recommended DOS settings I should try putting in my Autoexec and Config?

Thanks in advance.

EDIT: In the game's install folder there is also a syslog.txt that claims the program couldn't find certain .mek files it was trying to load. Should I be worried about this? (The "MEK" subdirectory is completely blank)

Re: MW2 weird issues in pure DOS environ

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 8:26 pm
by Sir MMPD Radick
Well, the question I have for you to be able to help possibly... is the GBL a 95 version or dos? Because if you patch GBL DOS with 1.1 its never going to work right and you will probably get strange results. That patch is only for the 95 version of GBL.
As for recommended settings I would recommend you check this thread for the DOS versions. It is made for XP primarily, but some of it does apply to DOS.

Re: MW2 weird issues in pure DOS environ

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 7:16 pm
by Edmond Dantes
GBL is Win95, and I wasn't aware of a DOS-patch for it.

These issues persist even when GBL is not installed, and when I'm playing the core game.

I'm beginning to think it might be my computer at fault, not the game itself.

EDIT: All issues resolved. For the sake of future reference... Well, what it turned out to be was that the game had auto-configured itself to use a joystick, and I don't have one (not one for DOS, anyway) and that was causing errors. Once I turned that off, the game ran fine.