MechWarrior 2 Power VR

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Sir MMPD Radick
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MechWarrior 2 Power VR

Post by Sir MMPD Radick »

Hardware / software maker's reputation for great popularity
Needless to say, "3 D graphics accelerator only" 3 Dfx alone is not the idea, Rendition of "Vérité V1000" (2D drawing is possible) or, NEC's "PowerVR PCX1 / 2" and many were competing products . Voodoo, the収まらずcircuit in one chip, according to two chip is necessary, as well as, 3 D was dedicated to the existing 2 D graphics card is needed for, PCI bus to use two It had, "Abnormal" is treated as such can not blame the design.

Still, Voodoo Graphics Chip is accepted by the gaming industry, image processing chips, as well as the high capacity, Microsoft is coming of age of 3 D graphics to読めず, 3 Dfx the Glide API is much more than DirectX RETAITA sophistication in the circumstances. 3Dfx, the goals set very high position, it can successfully achieve the developers and gamers in mind and seized.
Voodoo, the texture mapping using 3 D environment to simulate a wide range of functions had been. TriangleSetup (triangle setup), Z-Buffering (Z-buffering), Trilinear Filtering (TORAIRINIAFIRUTARINGU), Alpha Blending (alpha blending), Anti-Aliasing (antialiasing). In particular, Z-Buffering for a considerable burden on the release just before ATTARASHII could be removed, but this function is to attract game developers were also facts.
Officially released in September 1996 just before the opening of a private developer forum "Total Immersion", with more than 125 companies have participated. Activision's "MechWarrior 2" and, PowerVR switch from Eidos Interactive's "Tomb Raider" is, Voodoo's popularity was also the driving force of software. In addition to "Carmageddon" "Burnout" "Starsiege: Tribes" "Need for Speed II" "Descent", a fond memory of numerous software to support the Voodoo.
Article translated from Japanese and much of the rest is on the 3dfx decline and such.
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Re: MechWarrior 2 Power VR

Post by Pepsi-Wolf »

I remember around the time Mechwarrior 2 came out, a VR device (a visor or whatever) came out around the same time.

I remember walking into an Incredible Universe store (now extinct, sorta like a Fry's Electronics) and seeing the VR device hooked up with a PC and a guy was playing mech2 (which i was playing at the time) so i thought it was pretty cool. He pretty much could only look around , but not actually torso twist from what i remember.

I'd like to see something like taht again

at the time, such a device was $1000
Pepsi-Wolf Ward
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Re: MechWarrior 2 Power VR

Post by Col.Kell »

That attachment you sent Radick, is that the Voo-Doo graphics version of MW2? That looks WAY ahead of the '95 timeframe! How can I get this?
MechWarrior 2: 31stCC
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Sir MMPD Radick
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Re: MechWarrior 2 Power VR

Post by Sir MMPD Radick »

No, that is Power VR
James 3:5-10: My Reminder
And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity: so is the tongue among our members, that it defileth the whole body. Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not so to be.
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