MG_Man's Class Variants

User Submitted variants.
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House Steiner Private
House Steiner Private
Posts: 48
Joined: Thu Aug 14, 2008 9:25 pm

MG_Man's Class Variants

Post by MG_Man »

I decided to show off a few of my successful class-based variants.

I will update this later with more that I make.

Class 1 (Lasers/PPC ONLY)

Mad Dog
MG-MDG-C1.PNG (19.68 KiB) Viewed 17353 times
This mech has nice heat efficiency and is quite fast. use best by grouping all the small lasers, then medium lasers, then large lasers together. Make sure the 3 are separate though.
Use the small/medium lasers to damage parts, then the large lasers to finish them off.
Also, this has jumpjets. (duh)

File name for this one is: MDG70USR.MEK

MG_MRD-C1.PNG (20.97 KiB) Viewed 17354 times
This one is basically the same use as the Mad Dog, except it doesn't have small lasers. This one is better armored, however it's a bit slow. It has more jumpjets however.
Same usage applies.

File name: MRD70USR.MEK

Here's the RAR with the .MEKs. Put them in the MEK folder of Netmech/Mech2.
Get the updated one here!
Fixes some armor issues.
(636 Bytes) Downloaded 1305 times
EDIT: Fixed the armor issues with both mechs.
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