Megamek Campaigns

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House Steiner Hauptmann
House Steiner Hauptmann
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Megamek Campaigns

Post by Pepsi-Wolf »

Ok. I have been thinking this for a long time. Ideas would pop into my head and wont think about it for a few weeks, then rethink about it again.

Since now we have a megamek dedicated server (thanks to MMPD), I wanted to start putting my ideas down for putting together a league or a megamek planetary conquest type game.

Now obviously, this will take some time and ideas and arguments and blood and etc to implement. I do not want to make this overly complicated (no RPG type league, where you need to micro manage c-bills to the tiniest of details like fixing an arm on a Mech).

Somethings come to mind into starting this off:
1. Need at least 3 players. Optimally I'd like to have 4-6 players, so that alliances could be forged and betrayed
2. Rule Set. We need to come up with a structured rules on Attacks/Defends, Star Configs (what you can or cannot have), etc..
3. Galaxy Map that we can assign territories to.
4. Have Fun. I dont want to make this campaign/league some sort of thing where you HAVE to be active. Something you can play at leisure and at will of all parties involved in combat phases.
5. More to come. I suppose.

What do you guys think?
Pepsi-Wolf Ward
Ego homini Lupus

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