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images from one of the original Mech 2 artists

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 12:25 am
by Repomancer

Blair Wolf did a lot of the early geometry, textures, and publicity shots. If you flip the image above left-to-right, it's the Mad Cat from the original MW2 box. Besides being a hotshot graphic artist, Blair's a good friend of mine; we were roomdogs for a few years. He's running his own shop in San Diego now, mostly logo design, advertisements, and other print media.

The MW2 portfolio part of his website.

Re: images from one of the original Mech 2 artists

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 1:03 am
by Sir MMPD Radick
WOAH seriously great pictures!
He is a great artist!

(Moved thread to screenshots section)

Re: images from one of the original Mech 2 artists

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 9:45 am
by Pepsi-Wolf
nice to know that a Mechwarrior Artist lives near me 8-)

Re: images from one of the original Mech 2 artists

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 10:24 am
by npsbre
Great stuff indeed.

Re: images from one of the original Mech 2 artists

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 4:15 pm
by Wetback
Very nice work considering the tools and processing power available back in the day!

Re: images from one of the original Mech 2 artists

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 6:48 pm
by mech2memories
faints... that picture is awesome! wherd u get it or did u make it?

Re: images from one of the original Mech 2 artists

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 11:59 pm
by Repomancer
That image was used for the cover of an issue of Computer Games Strategy Plus, if anyone remembers that magazine. Things you can't see in that resolution are the "NO RADIO" sticker in the windshield, Blair's signature on the toe (he caught a world of ********** from management when they found out), the pilot's name (COL. LINGUS), and five "Greenpeace" signs in various places on the 'Mech. (He was kind of a treehugger in those days.) I always thought the "NO RADIO" thing was the funniest. If you live in Los Angeles, it helps get the joke.

I have a ten by ten FOOT vinyl print of that image adorning my living room wall. Blair traded it to me for a month's rent when he was short, once. I've had artists for roommates for years; I get neat stuff to hang on the walls, and there is always someone (me) that can come up with the necessary coin at the first of the month.

Blair left Activision before the game came out, and someone else flipped the model l/r, retextured it (using Blair's clan and numeric insignia) put his own name on it, and used it for the box art. It's painfully obvious that they're the same thing if you see them together.

I always thought the 'Mech was too spindly looking and not beefy enough, but it's understandable given that he was working from a Ral Partha miniature that was also too spindly.

Depicted is a former pad with the vinyl print sort of visible at right. It'd take a better one, but it's too dark right now.

Re: images from one of the original Mech 2 artists

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 9:49 am
by -Myg
Thats one mighty poster there. Wouldnt mind the clan wolf insignia in such a scale myself!